
On 12-09-24, at 12:08 , Sylvain DENIS <> wrote:

> Hello
> I am not a developer but user and representative Apache OpenOffice Belgium. I 
> defend Apache OpenOffice in education in Belgium (french).
> I will at FOSDEM. This is an opportunity to meet and discuss even if my 
> English is approximate.
Votre anglais c'est mieux que mon français, je pense :-) but how's your 
Flemish? :-)

I know and am friendly with Nicolas Pettiaux, of Uni. Libre de Bruxelles, who 
used to be with Open@Work and was (and remains, I hope) a strong proponent of 
ODF, open standards, and OpenOffice.

At the time we had our substantive discussions, back in 2008, I think, but 
maybe later, the issue of education and OO and ODF was crucial. My argument was 
and is that ODF and OO should be used and taught (coding) in post-secondary 
schools, but also used generally at all grades.

But little has happened. (Of course, this is also true of much bureaucratic 
movement in Belgium.) Still, I remain hopeful, especially as the issue of ODF 
in Belgium and in the EU at large is increasingly important and recognized as 
not only a vehicle for democratic goodness but also economic sanity.

I, at least, look forward to your kind help and contribution and hope we can 
make this event a really great event!


> Regards
> Sylvain DENIS
> Le 24/09/12 13:20, Andrea Pescetti a écrit :
>> FOSDEM, one of the biggest Free and Open Source Software events in Europe, 
>> is coming again on 2-3 February 2013 in Brussels.
>> Attendance is free and, moreover, "Developer Rooms" can be made available 
>> upon request, but they must be requested before the end of September. See 
>> I'm available to draft the application for an OpenOffice devroom and post it 
>> here on ooo-dev for lazy consensus, unless:
>> - Someone has already done it (just let us know)
>> - Apache manages applications in a centralized way
>> - No OpenOffice developers can attend (I would appreciate to know that we 
>> will have some full-time developers there)
>> - People believe it is useless (but FOSDEM is a big event and we shouldn't 
>> miss it, since by February we will probably have graduated and version 3.5 
>> could be approaching release).
>> Regards,
>>  Andrea. 

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