On 9/27/12 3:22 PM, Kevin Grignon wrote:
> KG01 - See comments inline.
> On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 2:50 AM, Albino B Neto <bin...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 2:34 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> 1) Create a new mailing list:  ooo-extensi...@incubator.apache.org (or
>>> app...@incubator.apache.org if we prefer).  I'll assert that the
>>> current mailing lists are inadequate for encouraging this community to
>>> thrive.  If they interact on ooo-dev then they are bombarded with 99%
>>> irrelevant posts, and if they gather on ooo-users then this will be
>>> disruptive to the end-user subscribers there.  Extension authors
>>> really are a distinct sub-community of their own.
>> I agree.
>> Demand for emails here on ooo-dev is great, a specific list for
>> API/extension will be better.
>>> 2) Promote the mailing list via the usual means:  website, social
>>> networking, maybe a blog post.
>>> 3) Try to contact the existing extension authors, to encourage them to
>>> joint the list.  I'd try to do this via SourceForge initially, since
>>> they might already have the means to send them all an email.
>>> 4) Promote AOO extension development in general, by interviews of
>>> extension authors, blog posts, perhaps even a rotating spot on our
>>> website featuring an "extension of the week" (or day).
> KG01 - I say will integrate the extension experience within the editors.
> Start pages and docked task panes could promote extensions and drive
> traffic to extension marketplace/downloadplace/place where we keep them ;)
> Furthermore, we could create an integrated extension manager that actually
> allows users to browse, select and enable extensions, just like an iTunes
> app store or the Evernote trunk. The goal would be to keep users in the AOO
> tools and bring the extensions to them - on demand. This would scale well
> to support any effort to reduce the footprint and surface advanced
> capabilites via extensions.

That was the initial idea of us when we started with the extension
manager. It's still on a my wish list together with a smoother
integration of the template repository. Easy navigating online
templates, bookmark them, download them for offline usage etc.

And both repo's would be configurable for enterprise internal usage,
means internal repo's and no public ones.


>>> 5) Encourage this community to provide feedback to the project and
>>> help maintain the current app dev and SDK documentation, website and
>>> wiki.
>> Yeah!
>> We need listing more users. (:
>>> I'll need a couple more list moderator volunteers as well.
>> Me.
>> Albino

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