On Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 11:35 AM, imacat <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw> wrote:

> On 2012/09/27 17:25, Alexandro Colorado said:
> > Hi I worked on the updated header of the mWiki site with the current
> Apache
> > OO Logo including the gull symbols and the correct integration with the
> > gradient background. Anyone can help me out understand how to commit this
> > to the mWiki site, AFAIK this is not on the svn since is a service.
> > I added an issue with the images assigned to the www-website category:
> > https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=121107
>     OK.  I have updated it.  Please check if it works. ^_*'

Works great, I have closed the issue.

>     Also issue tracker administrator please close #121107, alone with
> #121131. ^_*'  Thanks.
> >
> > I also have 2 types of approaches about using CSS to design the logo as
> > opposed to be just a rasterized sequence of images.
> --
> Best regards,
> imacat ^_*' <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw>
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Alexandro Colorado
PPMC Apache OpenOffice

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