
below is my draft for the announcement of the application process for the "ACEU 2012 travel expense subsidy for AOO community members". It should be sent to the mailing lists ooo-announce, ooo-users and ooo-dev. It should also be posted in the forum.

I am aiming to reach consensus on this announcement until Thursday afternoon in order to let the application process start on Thursday or Friday.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

Best regards, Oliver.

Dear Apache OpenOffice (incubating) community member,

we are pleased to announce the following funding to subsidize the travel expenses of AOO community members attending the ApacheCon EU 2012. For up to 10 AOO community members we are providing a travel expense subsidy of about 300,00 EUR respectively 600,00 EUR.

You need to apply for the travel expense subsidy by sending an email to the public mailing list <ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org> until <date>, 12:00 (Central European time, GMT+2).
The subject of this email have to be "[ACEU 2012 - travel subsidy] <YourName>".
In the content of the email please fill the following fields:
- full name
- email address
- affiliation to the OpenOffice community (something like: "committer", "user", "contributing X", "translator", ...)
- Apache ID (if available)
- accepted or stand-by speaker at ACEU?
- description why applying for the ticket discount and why support is needed
- job or eduation status (something like: "student", "employee", "freeflancer", 
- estimated travel expense
- estimated needed accommodation - # of nights
- other available funding (something like: "corporate", "ACEU - TAC", ...)
- applying for 300,00 EUR or 600,00 EUR?

Your travel expenses must be at least 300,00 EUR resp. 600,00 EUR and you are expecting to stay for at least two nights. If you are getting a corporate funding or the ApacheCon EU TAC funding, your application will not be considered.

A selection committee will decide on the applications and will send out notifications until <date>, 12:00 (Central European time, GMT+2).

If your application has been accepted you need to confirm your travel expenses, your ACEU attendance and the lack of a corporate or TAC funding at the ApacheCon EU 2012. Afterwards you will receive the money via wire transfer from the ASF treasurer.

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