Hi Regina,

On 01.10.2012 14:18, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Oliver,

Oliver-Rainer Wittmann schrieb:

On 30.09.2012 00:04, Regina Henschel wrote:
Huaidong Qiu schrieb:
Hi all,

I need some advice from the UI expert about the list
level attribute of Numbering Enhancement feature.

I need a UI to link a numbering level of a list style to a paragraph
  I want add a list box control into the "Options" tab page of the
"Numbering style" dialog.

The steps to open this tab page are:

1. New a writer document.
2. press F11 open the "Style and Formatting" dialog.
3. choose the "list style" tab page
4. open context menu by left click on the tab page, select "new..." menu
5. select the "Options" tab page of the "Numbering style" dialog.

Here is a changed UI screen shot, I put this picture into the wiki
page for
this feature


here is the wiki page for the Numbering Enhancement feature



I have looked at your proposal. I think, that it does not work as
intended in
the ODF specification. In section 19.495 "style:list-level" there is "The
style:list-level attribute specifies the list level value of a list
style that
may be applied to any paragraph style." When you put a paragraph style
into the
list style definition, then the part "may be applied to _any_
paragraph style"
is not possible.

Currently it is possible to specify a "numbering style" in the tab
"Outline &
Numbering" of the paragraph style, but it is not yet possible to say,
level of the style definition is to be used. You need to set the
numbering level
explicitly for each single paragraph, which has assigned this
paragraph style.

With the list-level attribute one says, that the paragraph, to which this
paragraph style is applied, should get the list-level, which is given
in this
paragraph style.

So in my understanding, the paragraph style should get an additional
field to
select the list-level of the list style, which is chosen in the
drop-down list
"Numbering Style". The list style UI remains as it is.

This is a good idea.
Thus, the user would had the possibility to specify the paragraph
style's list level in the List Style format dialog and in the Paragraph
Style format dialog.

Oh no, then I was not clear. I try again.
It is not possible to set a paragraph reference into the list style, the list
style dialog should not be changed but needs to be as it is currently in AOO3.4.
1. Define two paragraph styles "English" and "German". In both of them set the
numbering to the same numbering style "My list". You cannot solve this by
referencing a paragraph style inside of "My list".
2. You can produce a dead lock. In paragraph style "A" set numbering to list
"One". In list "One" set paragraph of level 2 to paragraph style "B". In
paragraph style "B" set numbering to list "Two". In list "Two" set paragraph of
lever 2 to paragraph style "A".

I know, there is the wish to automatically use a specific paragraph style for a
specific list level. But that is not possible with a reference inside the list
style, see above. Instead such binding is done in the "Condition" part of the
paragraph style.
The "Condition" part of the paragraph style avoids the dead lock this way: If
inside of paragraph style "A" you set the paragraph style "B" for the numbering
level 2, then the paragraph style "B" is not assigned to the paragraph, but only
its formatting attributes are used to actually style the paragraph. The assigned
paragraph style remains "A".

Ok, now I understand your concern.
From my point of view we need both:
- In the Paragraph Style format dialog we need a list level field which more or less directly sets ODF attribute style:list-level of the corresponding paragraph. - In the List Style format dialog we need the possibility to assign multiple paragraph styles to a certain list level of the list style. Thus, we more or less need a multiple-selection field/control/sub dialog - a UI by which the user can assign more than one paragraph style to a certain list level of the list style. By such an action the paragraph style's ODF attributes style:list-style-name and style:list-level will be set. This would mean that the user will get the possibility in the List Style format dialog to directly change attributes of one or more paragraph styles. But it would be very convenient for a user to have this possibility.

When such a paragraph style is applied to a concrete paragraph, the
level of this list style is applied to the paragraph automatically.

In addition there is the text "It does not directly specify the
paragraph's list
level value, but consumers can change the paragraph's list level value
to the
specified value when the paragraph style is applied." in the ODF
Therefore the list level of the concrete paragraph is not bound to the
list-level attribute in the paragraph style, but it's value can be set
hard in
the properties of the paragraph and applying a paragraph style gives
only a
start value of the list level value of the concrete paragraph.
Further there is no paragraph style in text boxes.
So it might be useful, to add a field for the list level in the paragraph
property dialog too. Currently the list level can be set only with some
demote/promote actions.

Being able to set the list level via the Paragraph format dialog could
be also an improvement of our UI.
As this UI feature is independent from the "paragraph style list level"
feature I am proposing to handle it via its own feature/enhancement issue.

I disagree. I think, paragraph style attribute "list level" can only be handled
as paragraph attribute in the paragraph style dialogs.

It seems I misunderstood you here.
I thought that you were proposing to introduce a list level field in the Paragraph format dialog in order to set the list level of a paragraph which is currently only possible via demote/promote actions.

Best regards, Oliver.

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