<bcc: trademarks@ for awareness>

On 10/2/2012 11:42 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
On our support website, at the bottom, we have a list of
OpenOffice-related books:


As you see, we have links to 3rd party pages for purchasing the books,
usually Amazon or Lulu.

I'm in the process of updating this page, as part of adding a list of
consultants, and it occurred to me that we should probably think about
how Shane's draft linking policy applies to books:


Good question: the above policy doesn't directly address the question of listing pages for books; i.e. actual publishers. Even if many people simply get the free PDF, historical branding questions have tended to be much simpler relating to what we traditionally think of as publishers or authors rather than "Consultants" of any kind.

In particular, traditional publishers tend to be *far* better at respecting branding and licensing issues, both up front and if we ever have to ask them for changes.

AOO is the first project to have a large enough ecosystem that I should work with trademarks@ to update the policy. Having AOO think through how you might present books would be helpful.

One way to think of it is to treat the publisher or author (for
self-published books) as the "consultant" in the terms of the policy.
They are the ones providing the service, via their book.  So we would
allow linking to the author's website or the publisher's website which
describes the book.  But we would not link to Amazon, since they are a
retailer, not the author or the publisher.

In principle I certainly like providing a link to the author or publisher's actual homepage for the book. But I'd tend to allow projects to decide: in some cases, there may not be a book homepage, and in some cases, it might be worth simply pointing to one (or more) useful places to directly order the book. So including an Amazon or B&N link is fine if you want to do that. Note: it would not be a good idea to use one of the "affiliate" links, unless it's one controlled by the PMC (i.e. so the affiliate referrals aren't going to some third party).

Otherwise, same criteria as consultants -- factual list, respect
trademark, impartial,  rel="nofollow", etc.

Yup. In AOO's case, I'd think this would be a separate page, since there's plenty of material to list, and users would tend to think of "find a book to read" differently than "hire a consultant to help". Also, book listings could be persistent (presuming the URL is still available, as Andrea notes.

Does this make sense?


- Shane

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