
Please see my request for a travel subsidy below:

- full name

Richard Dwayne Bailey

- email address


- affiliation to the OpenOffice community (something like: "committer",
"user", "contributing X", "translator", ...)

Translation co-ordinator - South African languages
Developer on Pootle and oo2po

- Apache ID (if available)


- accepted or stand-by speaker at ACEU?

Co-presenting with Juergen Schmidt
Globalisation of OpenOffice - reach out to the world

- description why applying for the ticket discount and why support is needed

I'm a coder on Pootle and AOO uses Pootle.  We really want to make sure the
Pootle is delivering for the AOO community.  To do that we want to hear
first hand and face-to-face what is missing and help the AOO community set
the direction for Pootle with us.

I'm usually based in South Africa which would make this travel impossible
with the cost of travel  and the Rand/Euro exchange rate.

I'm in London at the same time as this event so it is considerably cheaper
for me to attend an EU conference while being temporarily in the EU.

My employer Translate.org.za would usually be paying for my attendance.  It
is a non-profit so finding some way to save money allows us to rather push
that funding into Pootle development work.

- job or eduation status (something like: "student", "employee",
"freeflancer", ...)

Employee of Translate.org.za a South African non-profit.

- estimated travel expense

EUR 380 - flight to Frankfurt, train transfers on both sides

- estimated needed accommodation - # of nights

4 nights.  I plan to arrive on the 5th and then attend the whole conference.

- other available funding (something like: "corporate", "ACEU - TAC", ...)

Translate.org.za will cover any shortfall that I don't receive from funding.

- applying for 300,00 EUR or 600,00 EUR?

EUR 600 - this would cover travel and part of my accommodation


+27 12 460 1095

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