Althought it might not be current, you should checkout the UX wiki
pages to get a sense of what was being discussed and the areas these
project was taking.

On 10/13/12, Fernando Cassia <> wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 9:24 PM, Manuel del Valle <> wrote:
>> My name is Manuel del Valle. I'm from Argentina, and I'm a OO
>> user/enthusiast.
> Welcome Manuel. We´re two, or should I say, "somos dos". ;)
> I hope people in this list can guide you to the right place to get
> involved in the UX design effort..
> And let me know if you or anyone else in the UX team needs a guinea
> pig to try out new UX design ideas... I´ve been using all sorts of
> GUIs since the mid-80s (GEOS on the C64 :), so by now I have developed
> quite a good idea of what ´works´ and ´doesn´t work´ for me, I usually
> find out quite quickly. Yet I´m not scared of trying something new (ie
> I hated Gnome 3.x at first, but once I understood the general idea of
> it, I quickly found the strenghts and little -fixable- shortcomings of
> its design).
> FC
> Buenos Aires, Argentina
> --
> During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
> act
> - George Orwell

Alexandro Colorado
PPMC Apache OpenOffice

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