Am 10/11/2012 12:11 AM, schrieb Rob Weir:
So here's where we are with the consultants listing:

1) XLST script, data file, strings for en and it are checked in under

2) Announcement to ooo-dev/ooo-users/forums/twitter/google+/facebook
(but not ooo-announce since that is almost all end-users)

3) Blog post

4) I also went through the legacy consultant listings and reviewed the
websites of the English-speaking entities.  Where one appeared to
still be relevant I sent them an email and pointed them to the new
listing instructions and invited them to submit a new listing.  This
was a judgement call, but generally if the website was still up and I
found an explicit mention of OpenOffice services then I considered it
relevant.  But if it was just a generic IT services company with no
mention of OpenOffice then I did not send an invite. Of course,
nothing prevents them from submitting a listing, and if they do we
review it like any other.

5) What we have so far is here:

Note, there are more coming.  One was posted to the list today that I
need to check in.  And there are a few more were I was emailed that
they were interested and would submit a listing.

So areas where I could use help:

1) Reviewing the non-English legacy consultants for relevant ones who
should be invited.  German, French, Italian and Spanish volunteers are
especially needed.  If you can help I can send you a spreadsheet of
the websites and an English version of my invitation note.  Maybe 30
or so per language.

2 (less urgent) At some point we might enable the automatic generation
of the HTML from the XML + XSLT.  Since I don't speak Perl I'm going
to need someone else to tackle this.



I've committet a localized version for DE.


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