--- Dom 14/10/12, Eike Rathke ha scritto:

> Hi Pedro,
> On Saturday, 2012-10-13 18:07:24 -0700, Pedro Giffuni
> wrote:
> > This said, the latest versions of LO introduce bugs
> > that I can't
> > reproduce on AOO. AOO is very stable and we want to
> keep it that way.
> Thanks. The latest version of AOO also still didn't fix bugs
> that are fixed since long in LO and did not implement the features
> that LO has.
> What I want to say is that we're getting nowhere with
> pointing fingers.
I wasnt pointing fingers: I am just saying we cant really take patches blindly 
and expect them to work fine even if the licensing permits it.

I see that all days in other projects: in FreeBSD we can take patches from 
NetBSD and DragonFly without asking for permission, but patches that work there 
dont necessarily fix issues in FreeBSD.

As I see it neither AOO and LO will disappear and both projects will keep 
diverging and it is not necessarily a bad thing.


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