On 10/18/2012 4:31 PM, Peter Junge wrote:
I have all the video materials (including raw) of the OOoCon 2008 in Beijing, unfortunately not the presentations because I naively thought they were save having copies at Sun servers and OOoDev (OpenOffice.org Deutschland e.V.). Furthermore, I have all presentations of the OOoCon 2010 in Budapest.

I expect it would make sense to reach out for the following persons/entities: - Andrew Rist, I guess there should still be materials in the backups of the old OOo servers. The complicated part might be finding and extracting the materials.
A quick look didn't turn anything up.  Who hosted the OOoCon servers?
- Florian of TDF/FrODev, he was one of the admins of the OOoDev servers. There might also be some materials there. I'm at least expecting that the videos of OOoCon 2010 exist in some backups.
- Team OpenOffice.org

I volunteer to contact Florian and Team OOo over the weekend, as to Andrew I expect he might read this.


On 10/19/2012 2:20 AM, Alexandro Colorado wrote:
Wonder what ever hapened to the OOoCon video library of the past
conferences. I am interested in knowing if any of these material
survived, same as for the presentations and programmes?

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