2012/10/21 Fernando Cassia <fcas...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, Oct 21, 2012 at 6:59 AM, David McKay <dmc...@btconnect.com> wrote:
> > Technical aspects are bets handled through a mailing list; general user
> > questions are best handled through a forum.
> I agree that a dual approach makes everyone happy.
> I should have renamed it "why mailing lists should never be
> killed".... it was typed after reading one list member say "why a
> mailing list?".
> FC
> --
> During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a
> revolutionary act
> - George Orwell

One reasons why this "holy war" between MLs and Forums goes on and on is
because both sides try to "make things clear for everyone"(1) explaining
why their position is the best one... and both sides are at the same time
right and wrong! Both solutions have pros and cons: there is no perfect
system, that's all.

We have MLs for development and "decision making" and we have Forums for
user support. Please, let's go on with life: holy wars are tiresome.


(1) There is a Spanish saying that goes "no aclares que oscureces" but I'm
not sure how to translate it into English... something like "do not clarify
that you are making it darker" is near, but not exactly the same ;)


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