On Mon, Oct 22, 2012 at 6:33 PM, imacat <ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw> wrote:
> So, who is managing extensions.openoffice.org?  Is it possible that we
> can turn on the online update and try to solve this problem now?

When an extension is loaded on extensions.openoffice.org the XML file
is automatically built correctly. Apparently this was causing traffic
problems as well as functional issues  '(for example, if only the
Windows version of an extension is updated also Mac/LInux users would
get the information that an update is now available).

As far as I know at some point Oracle started using empty XML files
indicating that there are no updates. We might have a look at the
code, do some performance testing and eventually get it back. I will
add this to the list of the 'nice to have' features/changes I'll cover
at Apache Con session dedicated to Extensions and Templates.


> On 2012/10/22 19:27, Jürgen Schmidt said:
>> On 10/21/12 11:13 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>> imacat wrote:
>>>> I wonder if it
>>>> is possible to generate the extension update information files
>>>> <extension>.update.xml automatically on
>>>> http://extensions.openoffice.org, instead of maintaining the update
>>>> information files by the authors manually?
>>> This requires a slightly complex answer since there are differences
>>> between theory and practice.
>>> In theory, when you upload an extension to extensions.openoffice.org,
>>> you needn't provide an update XML file: the repository knows about the
>>> mechanism and automatically generates it. Moreover, OpenOffice knows
>>> where to ask for the update so, if you use the official repository to
>>> host your extension, updates will magically work with no need of actions
>>> from the developer (not even specify an update URL), aside possibly from
>>> making sure that the version number always increases.
>>> In practice, the process is broken. The point where it breaks is the
>>> fact that extensions.openoffice.org does not provide the real update
>>> information but it sends a hardcoded answer instead, saying that no
>>> updates are available. This was done back in the Oracle times for some
>>> reasons - probably traffic, but I have no clue here, maybe it was just
>>> broken.
>>> Fact is, what you ask for is already available in theory and I have seen
>>> it working for a period before it was disabled in 2010. But it isn't
>>> available in practice at the moment, and it hasn't been for years.
>>> On the application side (the OpenOffice program) everything should still
>>> be working, even though I've recently seen an issue where Ariel
>>> explained we might have some regressions on the OpenOffice side too:
>>> https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=121201
>> mmh, I was not ware that this function was disabled in 2010 and I don't
>> know the reason for it. But Roberto has explained it quite well and the
>> idea behind it was exactly that for extensions hosted in our repo the
>> update information is generated automatically and the extensions
>> shouldn't add further update information in their description.xml.
>> We should figure out if the mechanism still works and should enable it.
>> Ariel reported indeed a problem with his updates but we have to check
>> this in general because I at least was not able to reproduce all
>> reported problems. But this is a separate issue and have to fixed
>> independently.
>> Juergen
> --
> Best regards,
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