
during a long train journey I found over 100 examples in our manuals,
oodialog classes and sample code of usage of

call function(parms)

is that usage ever correct?
Would it be usefull to purge these examples?
If so I'm happy to open a tracker.

list is below - as I had no internet available, some of these may have been
corrected in the latest revision.


oodialog manual
section 4.1.8
else call ErrorMessage("Could not start dialog")
section 10.2.10
call SleepMS(3000) /* 3 seconds */
section 10.2.11
call WinTimer("WAIT,tid) /* wait... */
section 17.2.20
call InfoDialog("Column Title : " info.!Text"d"x,
section 17.2.21
call InfoDialog(curList~ColumnWidth(column))
section 17.2.36
call InfoDialog("Item Text : " itemInfo.!Text"d"x,

rexxref manual
section 8.82
if i > 0 then call SysWinSetDefaultPrinter(list.i)

oorexx\main\trunk\extensions\platform\windows\oodialog\dlgext.cls 40 KB
06/03/2009 07:40:53
77       call sleepms(20)
98           else call sleepms(sleeptime) /* to yield cpu */
1077         call DumpAdmin("ADMDUMP")

oorexx\main\trunk\extensions\platform\windows\oodialog\dyndlg.cls 45 KB
06/03/2009 07:40:53
93    if ptr = 0 then call HandleDlg("STOP")
132    if hnd \= 0 then forward message "LoadItems" continue; else call

oorexx\main\trunk\extensions\platform\windows\oodialog\plbdlg.cls 47 KB
06/03/2009 07:40:53
110    call ErrorMessage(msgname || " is not a method of " || self)

oorexx\main\trunk\extensions\platform\windows\oodialog\stddlg.cls 14 KB
06/03/2009 07:40:53
145       call InfoMessage("You did not enter numerical data")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\sfserver.rex 6 KB 06/03/2009 07:41:13
78         call sockclose(socket)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\unix\api\wpipe3\aspitest3.rex 5 KB 05/02/2009
63 call Aspi_Read_All_Elements_Of_A_Specific_Stem_From_REXX_VP("x.0")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\api\wpipe\wpipe3\apitest3.rex 5 KB
06/03/2009 07:41:08
61 call Api_Read_All_Elements_Of_A_Specific_Stem_From_REXX_VP("x.0")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\ole\apps\samp08.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
124 call syssleep(2)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\ole\apps\samp12.rex 6 KB 05/02/2009
58   call syssleep(2)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\ole\wmi\services.rex 10 KB 05/02/2009
90       call SysSleep(1)
127       call SysSleep(1)
139       call SysSleep(1)
151       call SysSleep(1)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\ftyperex.rex 9 KB 05/02/2009
122      call ErrorMessage("Ftype is curently set to rexxhide.exe. You must
use the OODIALOG interface.")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oobandit.rex 9 KB 05/02/2009
122             call SleepMS(sleep)
178       call sleepMS(1000)
196    call Play("byebye.wav")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oodlist.rex 13 KB 05/02/2009
209   call InfoDialog("Column Title : " info.!Text"d"x,
347     call InfoMessage("Last Name must be Specified !")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oodraw.rex 26 KB 05/02/2009
103       call sleepms(500)
119       call sleepms(500)
127    call sleepms(1000)
185    call sleepms(2000)
221          call sleepms(2000)
247    call sleepms(2000)
268          call sleepms(2000)
286    call sleepms(1000)
327    call sleepms(1000)
363    call sleepms(1000)
395         call sleepms(2000)
464    call sleepms(2000)
474    call sleepms(2000)
566          call sleepms(2000)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oodtree.rex 13 KB 05/02/2009
137       call InfoMessage("Data file " bmpFile " does not exist")
142       call InfoMessage("Data file " treefile " does not exist !")
147       call InfoMessage("Data file " itemFile " does not exist")
274     call InfoMessage("No item selected !")
290     call InfoMessage("No item selected !")
312   call InfoDialog( 'The selected item "'itemInfo.!Text'" has' children
'children. The index for the icon is "'itemInfo.!Image'"',
317   call InfoMessage("No help available.")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oopet.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
99       if beenhelped=0 then call Play("clap.wav")
146    call Play("help.wav")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oopet1.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
99       if beenhelped=0 then call Play("clap.wav")
146    call Play("help.wav")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oophil.rex 18 KB 05/02/2009
309         call sleepms(2000)
361       if ds > 0 then call sleepms(ds*100)
372             call sleepms(300)
376             call sleepms(200)
379          call sleepms(ds//10 * 100)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oovideo.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
128       call Play("wav\take.wav")

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oowalk2.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
159       call sleepms(1000)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\oowalker.rex 7 KB 05/02/2009
169       call sleepms(1000)

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\propdemo.rex 20 KB 05/02/2009
144        call sleepms(1)

13 KB 05/02/2009 07:51:36
60     call infoDialog(msg)
100         call errorDialog('You Did Not Select A File')
102         call infoDialog('You Selected' a_file)
117         call errorDialog('You Did Not Select A File')
119         call infoDialog('You Selected' a_file)
134         call errorDialog('You Did Not Select A File')
136         call infoDialog('You Selected' a_file)
152         call errorDialog('You Did Not Select A File')
154         call infoDialog('You Selected' a_file)
168         call errorDialog('You Did Not Select A File')
176             call infoDialog(msg)
191         call errorDialog('You Did Not Provide A Save Name')
193         call infoDialog('You File Will Be Saved As' a_file)
207         call errorDialog('You Did Not Provide A Save Name')
209         call infoDialog('You File Will Be Saved As' a_file)

18 KB 05/02/2009 07:51:36
105         call errorDialog('The expected audio file' filename 'does not
121         call errorDialog('The expected audio file' filename 'does not
137         call errorDialog('The expected audio file' filename 'does not
174         call InfoDialog('You selected "Yes" - glad you like it')
176         call InfoDialog('You selected "No" - mind sharing what you think
would improve the demonstration?')
183         call InfoDialog('You selected "Yes" - glad you like it')
185         call InfoDialog('You selected "No" - you must be hard to
230             call SysSleep(.01)
249             call ErrorDialog('Sorry, the dialog creation failed')
279         call errorDialog('There Is Not unTimed Message To Stop')
284 --    call time('r')
290     call infoDialog('Start TimeT..:' start_timeT '- End TimeT..:'
end_timeT '- Duration..:' end_TimeT - start_TimeT 'Seconds')
291 --    call infoDialog('Total Elasped Time..:' time('e')~trunc 'Seconds')

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe4.rex 5 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
71     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe5.rex 7 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
98     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe6.rex 7 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
99     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe7.rex 7 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
100     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe8.rex 9 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
110     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\employe9.rex 9 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
106     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\empvalid.rex 5 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
72     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\emp_mend.rex 9 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
128     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\emp_menu.rex 9 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
111     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\oodialog\tutorial\em_categ.rex 9 KB
05/02/2009 07:51:07
112     call InfoMessage(title self~Name addition || "A"x || "City:"
self~City || "A"x ||,

oorexx\main\trunk\samples\windows\rexutils\drives.rex 14 KB 05/02/2009
59 call InfoDisplay("BOX")             -- display data with box
characters     --
60 --call InfoDisplay("LINE")          -- display data without box
characters  --
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