This design would allow access to one (and only one) CLI library during 
the execution of the program. But, this could be any vendor's CLI 
library. Access to multiple CLI libraries within a single process is 
MUCH harder and I am not willing to tackle it at this time.

David Ashley

On 02/12/2010 10:05 AM, John Bodoh wrote:
> David,
> Will your design allow access to different CLI libraries within the same
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Ashley []
> Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 10:35 AM
> To: ooRexxDevel
> Subject: [Oorexx-devel] ooRexx SQL Project
> All -
> I have started thinking about creating an SQL library for ooRexx. My
> plans at the moment look like this:
> 1. Use the ISO 92 specification with the Microsoft ODBC v3 extensions
> (also know as the CLI interface) as the portable API code in the
> library. All the major database vendors support these APIs and it is OS
> and platform independent.
> 2. I will create an oo-centric set of classes and methods to encapsulate
> the API. Two major classes will cover almost everything: database and
> statement classes. There will be a few minor classes but most of the
> interface will be in these two classes.
> There is one major difference between my design and the RexxSQL function
> library design. The RexxSQL design statically links to the database
> vendor's CLI library. Thus you need a different RexxSQL library for
> every vendor's library. I will use a dynamically linked solution where
> the vendor's library is loaded at run time rather than loaded at program
> initialization (or RexxSQL library initialization). Thus the user can
> specify at run time the vendor library they want to link to i.e. DB2,
> ODBC, Oracle, etc.
> The big advantage to this design is that it will be independent of any
> vendor's library. Thus the ooRexx library can access any vendor's
> library. Only one version of the library is needed for all database
> vendors. That also means the library can be distributed with easily.
> That is as far as my thinking has taken me so far. I would like to get
> opinions and other thoughts from everyone who care to comment on this as
> I believe this will become a high profile extension to ooRexx and I want
> to get it right.
> Thanks,
> David Ashley
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