The first release candidate for ooRexx 4.0.1 is now available at:

ooRexx 4.0.1 is a bug fix only release, there are no new features in
the release.  It is a wrap up of the bugs fixed since the 4.0.0

Very few bugs were reported for beta 1.  The release candidate fixes a
problem with the rxapi daemon on some SuSE and Debian installations.
It also fixes a problem with some symbolic links on Debian-based

Due to the fact that bugs have not been reported, the team anticipates
that the release candidate period will be short.

At this point, the Windows install packages are on SourceForge. The
other install packages will be added as they get built.  Note that
SourceForge is advising of planned down time for maintenance on
4/17/2010 and 4/18/2010.  This may effect the availability of the
release candidate this weekend.

Please report any bugs found using the Tracker bug reporting mechanism
on SourceForge:

Mark Miesfeld
for the ooRexx Team

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