Mostly directed to Rick because he probably has the most insight for this.

Recall that in ooDialog the programmer can name a method in the Rexx
dialog to be invoked whenever some specific Windows event happens.  A
classic example is the user clicking a button in the dialog.  The
programmer can 'connect' that button click to a method in the Rexx
dialog, say onClick.

::method onClick
  -- Rexx code

In the original implementation, when the event happened, a method
invocation string was constructed and placed in a queue.  An ooDialog
method periodically checked the queue and if it found a method
invocation string used interpret to invoke the method.  Since the
method periodically checking the queue was started on the same thread
as the Rexx dialog was started, the method invocation also ran on the
originating thread.

With the C++ APIs, I've done away with the whole message queue and
invoke the method directly from the Windows message processing loop,
which is always a different thread than the originating thread of the
Rexx dialog.  So 'onClick' is running on a different thread than the
originating thread.

1.) In the original ooDialog if there was a syntax condition, or other
exception, in the Rexx code in onClick, the condition information
would print and the Rexx program would end.  Now, the condition
information is printed and the dialog / program keeps running.

This is because an un-trapped condition ends the currently executing
interpreter thread(?)  In the original implementation, that thread
would have been the main thread, so the program ended.  Now, it isn't
the main thread, so the program keeps running.

Is that an accurate statement?

Provided that the above is correct:

2.)  This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is different
behavior.  Is it sufficiently different to be a problem?

3.)  I can't think of any reasonable way to preserve the old behavior.
 Is there a way to preserve it?

This third question actually needs a little more explanation.  Right
now, I am taking two approaches with the direct invocation of the Rexx

* For Window messages that do not need / or ignore a reply I am
essentially doing a startWith()

* For Window messages that process a reply I am using SendMessage and
waiting on the reply from the Rexx code.  In this case, I can do a
CheckCondition() and could halt the dialog if there was a condition.
(Although right now I don't halt the dialog, I just print out the
condition info.)  It is really the first case above that I don't see a
way to preserve the old behavior.

Mark Miesfeld


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