On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 4:03 PM, Oliver Sims
<oliver.s...@simsassociates.co.uk> wrote:

> I understand that from now on I can and should commit code and text directly
> to a repository. I've worked with various check-in repositories in the past,
> and they've all been quite different at the detail level. So I guess I need
> some guidance on this particular repository and the processes and tools
> needed. Here are the immediate questions that occur to me:

Hi Oliver,

You already have the essentials.  The repository is what you have been
using, svn.

Earlier I  had advised you to just check out a subset of the entire
repository.  Which I still advise, but if I were you, I would check
out a slightly larger subset.

It is easy to see how the entire repository is laid out by using the
browse feature on SourceForge.  Just go to:


which is the top level of the entire repository for the ooRexx
project.  The you can just drill down to see how things are laid out.

To check out and work with the repository, just use TortoiseSVN as you
have been.  For the doc work, I originally suggested checking out:


but I would now suggest checking out all the docs, so just move up 1
directory and check this out instead:


For the work you are doing on the user guide examples, I originally
suggested just checking out:


I would now suggest checking out all of the ooRexx package / distribution:



is the current development tree.

> (1) Do I continue to upload patches?  If yes, then how do I handle the
> patches after upload so that files are properly updated, and what tools do I
> need?

No, you don't need to upload pages.  Use TortoiseSVN.  Right-click on
the userGuide directory where you have a file change and you will see
a menu item for "commit"  Commit will push all the changes in your
working copy into the repository.

You can use the TortoiseSVN menu to do other things, like diff.  Diff
will show you what changes you are about to make.

When you commit some changes you will be required to write a log entry.

> (2) Since the code/chapters are "built" at various times, and placed into
> "versioned repositories" (see below) that all may access, I assume I need to
> submit code/text to two different places, each being the place that the
> builds get their input from.  If this is correct, where are these places
> (i.e. what URLs)?

No that's not correct.  There is only 1 repository.  Just commit like
I explained above.

The build machine is separate and something you do not need to worry
about.  David manages it and it is set up to do a build each night, if
there have been any commits that day.  If the code is not changed, the
build doesn't happen.

> (3) Since builds are done according to some timetable, where do I find out
> what the timetable is?

The time table is as explained above, once a night if there are changes.

> (4) Do I do the builds for my stuff, and if so, what tools do I need?

To build ooRexx, you need a C++ compiler.  To package a distribution
you need other tools.  I would suggest you first check
oorexx/main/trunk and then look at the files:


Those should give you enough information to ask intelligent questions.

To build the docs, you will need access to a Linux system.  If you
have that, you will need to install some tools related to DocBook and
jade.   You can ask for more information if needed.

> (5) I believe that compiled binaries such as resource-only DLLs are not
> built for each version, but just once prior to public release. Is that
> correct?

Sort of.  On Windows, the resource-only DLLs are built each time you
build ooRexx.  You can build ooRexx using Microsoft's free version of
Visual Studio.  Use a Google search of  "Visual Studio Express" to get
more information.

If you set up things to package the Windows distribution, then the
resource-only DLLs get included in the package, the installer.

I would also advise that you subscribe to the other lists available.
In particular:  oorexx-svn.  With that list, you can see the log each
time a developer makes a commit.  This is useful to keep up with what
other developers are doing.  Some of the other lists keep you up to
date with bugs are opened, what patches are opened, etc..

Mark Miesfeld

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