On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Erich Steinböck <erich.steinbo...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> > But, the documentation is not finished
> Mark, if there's something you can delegate, I'd look into it


If you'd like to look into it, then great.

ooSQLite consists of an object orientated interface (classes and methods of
the classes,) and a functional interface (consists entirely of ::routines.)
 The methods of the classes, mostly, map one to one with SQLite functions.
 The routines are all one-to-one mappings of the SQLite functions.  So most
of the doc comes straight from the SQLite documentation.

For methods and routines I use a boilerplate format.  In the current doc,
the boilerplate for all classes / methods / routines is already there.

The doc starts out documenting the classes in ooSQLite.  The first classes
in order are finished:  The ooSQLite Class and The ooSQLiteBackup Class
sections are done.  The ooSQLiteConnection Class is probably 99% done.
 Some of the individual routines are done.

You can get a general idea of how I'm documenting things by reading the
finished sections

You can tell what is un-filled-in boilerplate by reading the doc and you
will typically see:

The arguments are:
Return value:
Additional comments.
This example ...

In general I doc each method and routine in the C / C++ code, so if you can
read the comment headers in ooSQLite.cpp you will be able to get much of
the doc from that.  When I didn't doc a method or routine, it is because,
usually, it does nothing other than invoke a simple SQLite function and
just passes on the result.  In these case, it is pretty much, whatever the
SQLite says it is.  if you need some tips on locating that doc in the C /
C++ code just ask.

I do not use the IBM railroad tracks, but rather a modified version whose
main goal is to stay on one line.  By one line I mean not continued.
 Optional args are always on a second line.  In the preface section of
ooDialog, I explain how to read the syntax diagrams.  If you read that you
should understand pretty well how to create it.

So - whatever you'd like to do, go for it.  If you have questions on how a
method or routine works, I'll gladly help.  I'd prefer that you ask those
questions on the user's list so that others can benefit.  I think many
users are not comfortable asking questions on the developer's list and I'd
like to encourage them to ask questions.

Mark Miesfeld
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