Currently it is quite a time consuming effort to make sure that all the 
different ooRexx builds on
all of the different operating systems have been built using the latest svn 

It would be of great help in such situations, if it became possible to learn 
the (svn) revision
number the current running ooRexx interpreter got built, something like:

    "rexx -v" on the command line may append the svn revision number, e.g.

        Open Object Rexx Version 5.0.0 - Internal Test Version - svn11550

    or substituting it for the "revision" part of the ooRexx version number

        Open Object Rexx Version 5.0.11550 - Intrenal Test Version
        Open Object Rexx Version 5.0.svn11550 - Internal Test Version

Also from within ooRexx this piece of information would proof helpful and help 
save time! Maybe
something like:

    "parse source s; say s"  yielding: "REXX-ooRexx_5.0.11550(MT)_32-bit 6.05 
29 Nov 2018"

    "say .rexxinfo~revision" yielding "11550" or having a totally new .rexxinfo 
entry like

*Any* solution to this problem would help save a lot of time and effort at 
times! (Also in case of
error reports the svn revision might help to determine whether the error was 
already resolved or not.)


P.S.: This might be even more important in the future, when different ooRexx 
interpreters execute on
the same machine from different sources. Determining the exact (svn) revision 
of each of the ooRexx
interpreters on a single system may become necessary for maintenance purposes.

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