While running a build & test today I got an error (that seems to relate to 
ooDialog?) That I have not seen before. I am on macOS Mojave, 10.14.2

Can someone please have a look?

Executing tests from /Users/po/workspace/.../base/keyword/SELECT.testGroup

ooTest Framework - Automated Test of the ooRexx Interpreter

Interpreter:        REXX-ooRexx_5.0.0(MT)_64-bit 6.05 30 Jan 2019
OS Name:            DARWIN
SysVersion:         Darwin Darwin Kernel Version 18.2.0: Mon Nov 12 20:24:46 
PST 2018; root:xnu-4903.231.4~2/RELEASE_X86_64.18.2.0

Tests ran:          22548
Assertions:         377025
Failures:           0
Errors:             1

[Framework exception] [20190130 10:29:17.328418]
  Type: Trap Severity: Fatal
  File: /Users/po/workspace/.../ooRexx/API/oo/FUNCTION.testGroup
  Line: 2130
  Initial call of test container failed
  Condition: SYNTAX
    Unable to load library "orxfunction".
    File: /Users/po/workspace/.../ooRexx/API/oo/FUNCTIONPACKAGE.CLS
    Line: 40
      40 *-* ::routine TestZeroIntArgs PUBLIC EXTERNAL "LIBRARY orxfunction 
    1747 *-* ::requires FUNCTIONPackage.cls
    2130 *-* call (file) self~testTypes
    2078 *-*   container = self~getContainer(fileName)
      81 *-* containers = finder~seek(testResult)
      79 *-* retCode = 'worker.rex'(arguments)

File search:        00:00:01.770965
Suite construction: 00:00:00.945155
Test execution:     00:02:48.087909
Total time:         00:02:51.047901

P.O. Jonsson

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