Dear P.O

Having extra separators does not make a path invalid 

Just try with playing around with ls

Just checked 

ls ////opt/////ooRexx/bin///rexx

ls ////opt/////ooRexx/bin/////


> On 7 Feb 2019, at 11:09, P.O. Jonsson <> wrote:
> Dear Developers,
> When working on modifying FileUtils.cls to work also for macOS/Darwin I used 
> (by mistake, certainly) SysFileTree() with an invalid path and was astonished 
> to see that it nevertheless produced a valid result. Is this intended?
> This is what I intended to do:
> installDir = '/Users/po/Applications/ooRexx5.0.0‘
> name = 'rexx'
> j = SysFileTree(installDir'/bin/'name, f., 'FOS')
> But instead I did (note the trailing slash)
> installDir = '/Users/po/Applications/ooRexx5.0.0/‘
> name = 'rexx'
> j = SysFileTree(installDir'/bin/'name, f., 'FOS')
> This produces a „//„ in the path, i.e. an illegal path
> Nevertheless SysFileTree() „corrected“ my input path, removed the additional 
> slash and gave me the correct path back as f.1.
> I also tried on Windows and there SysFileTree() considers a path with double 
> backslash to be correct (return value 0), but the output is not corrected as 
> on MAC.
> I have attached two scripts to show the behavior , amend to fit your 
> installation and have a try. I did not investigate on Linux/Unix.
> <Mactest.rex>
> <Wintest.rex>
> Hälsningar/Regards/Grüsse,
> P.O. Jonsson
> <>
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