On 09.04.2019 14:32, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
... cut ...

> Unfortunately, running rexxc-tokenized/compiled scripts via the Java 
> scripting framework does not
> work as apprehended in my last post and causes the following runtime error:
>     G:\test\oorexx\rexxc>rexxj test.rexx
>     RexxDispatcher.java: Throwable of type 
> 'org.rexxla.bsf.engines.rexx.RexxException' thrown while invoking Rexx:
>     getLocalizedMessage(): [BSF4ooRexx/routine/jniRexxRunProgram(), error 9:
>     Rexx traceback line not available from the Rexx condition object (Rexx 
> condition may have been caused by a call or message from Java to Rexx)
>     Error 3 running  line 0:  Failure during initialization.
>     Error 3.903:  Program "G:\test\oorexx\rexxc\test.rexx" cannot be run by 
> this version of the REXX interpreter.]
> (The error text within the square brackets gets created in native code from 
> the Rexx condition
> object. The 'getLocalizedMessage():' right before the opening square bracket 
> seems to come from
> ooRexx, it is not used in the native code.)

... cut ...

The "getLocalizedMessage()" does *not* come from ooRexx, it comes from one of 
the Java programs.


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