On 26.01.2021 02:44, Gil Barmwater wrote:
> As P.O. has pointed out, the tools and their documentation are at SF: 
> /docs/trunk/tools/bldoc_win
> for Windows; read the read1st.txt file to get started.
> The ooRexx version of the tools was presented at the 2020 Symposium and there 
> is a paper
> describing what was more of a demo here
> <https://www.rexxla.org/events/2020/presentations/Producing%20the%20ooRexx%20Documents.pdf>
>  .  It
> is a good introduction to the whole subject of creating the ooRexx 
> documentation.  Work on getting
> this version up on SF has stopped due to an apparent lack of interest by 
> anyone other than Rony
> and P.O.  It is working well on Windows (it ran successfully for the 
> presentation after all!) but
> needs updated documentation before it can be committed to the repository.  
> And, as it was written
> to also be usable on *nix systems, it needs testing/debugging on those 
> platforms if that support
> is desired.
Gil, please by all means, if you can try to make that tool run on all operating 
systems, then please
do so! It will help anyone who is new to documentation (and also myself coming 
back to documentation
after months of being absorbed by totally different tasks and projects, to get 
back and up and
running quickly again)! Or with other words: what I saw at your presentation 
would be total
jump-start and time-saving tool/gadget!!

Compare that with the previous situation where the documentation was only 
creatable on Windows and
then would break on Windows 10! Now the documentation can be created with the 
current tools on
Windows, Linux and MacOS with different packages and up to 10 (!) times faster 
than before. But with
your ooRexx-tool, only your tool would be needed to get the latest appropriate 
documentation tools
automatically for the appropriate operating system and use it for creating the 
pdf and html


P.S.: Once you have released it and ooRexx 5.0 is about to go gold, creating a 
version that also
would be able to create an ePub version of the documentation would be another 
boon! :)

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