Given the following code:

 * Method: OsmMapPointNew
 * Create a new OsmMapPoint.
 * @return 0
RexxMethod3(int,                    // Return type
            OsmMapPointNew,         // Method name
            CSTRING, lat,           // Latitude in decimal degrees
            CSTRING, lon,           // Longitude in decimal degrees
            OSELF, self)            // Self

    printf("As CSTRINGs - Latitude: %s;Longitude: %s\n", lat, lon);

    RexxStringObject rxlat = context->String(lat);
    RexxStringObject rxlon = context->String(lon);

    printf("As objects - Latitude: %s;Longitude: %s\n)", context~StringData(rxlat), context~StringData(rxlon));

    double flat; context->ObjectToDouble(rxlat,&flat);
    double flon; context->ObjectToDouble(rxlon,&flon);

    printf"(As doubles - Latitude: %.6f; Longitude: %.6f \n", flat, flon);

    OsmGpsMapPoint *point = osm_gps_map_point_new_degrees((float)flat, (float)flon);

    context->SetObjectVariable("POINT", context->NewPointer(point));

    return 0;

And given the following result when invoked:

ruurd@Paradigit2:~/newrxgtk/GTKv3/test$ osmmap.rex
As CSTRINGs - Latitude: 52.289875;Longitude: 4.8448525
As objects - Latitude: 52.289875;Longitude: 4.8448525
As doubles - Latitude: 52,000000; Longitude: 4,000000

Is there some misunderstanding on my side or does it look like "ObjectToDouble" is in trouble?

Running Mint 20, which is based on Ubuntu 20.4

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