On 06.04.2022 17:09, Sahananda Sahananda wrote:
> It's a few years since I had SVN set u on my laptop.  Do we have a guide 
> somewhere?

Jon, assuming you have installed Tortoise-svn as your subject implies, just go 
to "Code SVN
Repository" (this link may be buried in the "..." button on the top right), 
which should bring you
to: <https://sourceforge.net/p/oorexx/code-0/HEAD/tree/>.

Then, if you are logged on to Sourceforge you will see some entry like

    svn checkout --username=YOURUSERNAME 

which gives you read/write access to the project, but checks out the code only 
("main/trunk") and
replicate it under the directory "oorexx-code-0".

If you wanted to check out all of the oorexx files including documentation and 
the sandboxes, then
you may want to use something like:

    svn checkout --username=YOURUSERNAME 
svn+ssh://or...@svn.code.sf.net/p/oorexx/code-0/ oorexx



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