[intentionally cross-posted]

Dear RexxLA members,

The 33rd International Rexx Language Symposium (2022) will be on September 
12-14, with an optional programme on the preceding Sunday.

Like last year, the symposium will be online and conducted via zoom. Also like 
last year, the schedule will be adapted to the time zones in the US and Europe. 
(For other geographies we might re-run some of the presentations - it is our 
firm intention to have some of the presentations available on video this year).

The International Rexx Language Symposium is a yearly event where Rexx users, 
irrespective of implementations and language variants, can meet and mingle. The 
programme committee which judges the presentation proposals consists of the 
President and the Vice President of RexxLA - that is myself and Terry Fuller. 
Please send in your presentation proposals! The separate Call For Papers (CFP) 
will shine more light on this process and its requirements.

Apart from the presentations (which are readable from the RexxLA.org 
<http://rexxla.org/> website right after the presentations takes place, and 
which are often used a reference material), this yearly symposium is also a 
great opportunity to meet your fellow Rexx users, the implementors of the 
various variants, and - if we are lucky - a Q&A Session with the Father of Rexx 
himself, IBM Fellow Michael Cowlishaw. 

This year there will be even more Q&A sessions, and social events where we 
leave the session and its microphones and cameras open - and we will even 
experiment with parallel- and breakout sessions (if we understand how to do 
these in Zoom in time). There will be presentations on Classic (including 
mainframe) Rexx on TSO (ISPF) and CMS, Regina Rexx, NetRexx for the JVM world, 
and Open Object Rexx. Also, new implementations will be discussed.

Hope to see you all!

Best regards,

René Jansen,

President, Rexx Language Association.
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