Dear Gil,

Using cURL web scraping is a piece of cake. Here an example

ADDRESS "" "curl --insecure"; WITH OUTPUT 
STEM myStem.
DO i=1 TO mystem.0
 IF mystem.i~pos('The latest version of FOP is available at')> 0 THEN say 

Pardon my hacking old-style code with methods but it is just to give you an 
idea. You need to change the ADDRESS command for Windows but cURL should be 

Given that the version only changes approximately once a year it might stop 
working before the next version, not sure if it is really necessary to check 
for the latest version?

P.O. Jonsson

> Am 08.07.2022 um 15:45 schrieb Gilbert Barmwater <>:
> Sorry, I should have been more specific.  I am interested in determining the 
> current level of Apache Fop on their website, not the one installed in your 
> system.  When you go to their website, you will see what the current level is 
> and will be able to download it from a mirror site.  If you go to the mirror 
> site you will see two packages for the current level.  Unless someone knows 
> how to "ask" (programmatically) for the current level from the website, I 
> suspect some sort of program to read the source of one of the webpages is 
> needed and then to search it to determine what the current level is.  (Used 
> to be called "screen scraping" back in the day.)    Gil
> On 7/8/2022 8:55 AM, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
>> On 08.07.2022 14:38, Gilbert Barmwater wrote:
>>> Thanks Rony.  I will see where the copyright statement is coming from and 
>>> make the change.  I'm going to update setup.rex to download fop-2.7 and 
>>> update docprep.rex to include the preprocessing of the entities file as 
>>> well.
>> +1
>>> PS Anyone looking for a challenge, we need a oorexx program to determine 
>>> what the current level of Apache Fop is.  If interested, please contact me 
>>> either on- or off-list.  Thanks. GB 
>> Would this be what you are after:
>> G:\oorexx.tmp\gilDocs\bldoc_orx>fop-2.7\fop\fop.cmd -version
>> FOP Version 2.7
>> It seems that the fop-2.*\fop\ directory has all fop scripts:
>> G:\oorexx.tmp\gilDocs\bldoc_orx>dir fop-2.7\fop\fop*
>>  Volume in drive G is root_g
>>  Volume Serial Number is 2F1A-EC34
>>  Directory of G:\oorexx.tmp\gilDocs\bldoc_orx\fop-2.7\fop
>> 12.01.2022  12:55             7 679 fop
>> 12.01.2022  12:55             3 222 fop.bat
>> 12.01.2022  12:55             1 252 fop.cmd
>> 12.01.2022  12:55            10 845 fop.js
>>                4 File(s)         22 998 bytes
>>                0 Dir(s)   3 832 582 144 bytes free
>> The "-version" switch is from 
>> <> 
>> <>. It would allow to 
>> pick any other level of fop on the left hand side link list.
>> ---rony
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