On 17.07.2022 21:00, Michael Lueck wrote:
Greetings ooRexx'ers,

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
While debugging (for almost two months) ooRexx and BSF4ooRexx/Java it was almost impossible to determine the source of some memory leaks.

The reason was not being able to rely on the garbage collector having run at a specific point in time such that all objects that have no references anymore get garbage collected and if uninit methods present have them run. Only then would an analysis become really possible.

I note this as a considerable effort put forth by Rony.

Rick McGuire wrote:
I suspect they are equally as stupid (or really, more ignorant) as the Java users that misuse this. I remain a firm -1. And frankly, I consider you to be the person most likely to misuse this because you really don't understand garbage collection either.

I hear your concern, Rick.

Rony, would it be possible to put a custom call to System.gc() in a "for debug version" of ooRexx, obtain your sought after debug information of what is going on with calls to System.gc() in use, thus with clearer vision of what valid objects are in memory, be able to more precisely pinpoint the behavior bug you seek after? As, if the bug in ooRexx code actually exists, I would not think a call to System.gc() would so tamper with the memory that it would distort the root of the problem, or also hopefully not make the problem be masked / disappear altogether.

Just thoughts...

Yes, that would be possible.


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