The special symbol characters "." and "_" are also available as indicators.
I'm a definite -1 to using environment variables and Erich has also voiced
his displeasure about that.

Another option might be to allow a second keyword following the trace type
that indicates using the expanded form. It should also allow explicit
specification of the simple form too.


On Wed, Feb 8, 2023 at 2:46 PM Mike Cowlishaw <> wrote:

> I would have put the M after the other letter because it's really a
> subsidiary option.  If it's first it rather 'M'asks the main option?
> Mike
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Rony G. Flatscher []
> *Sent:* 08 February 2023 14:16
> *To:*
> *Subject:* [Oorexx-devel] Planning to add multithreaded (concurrent)
> tracing (Re: RFC for feature request "794 Concurrency request"
> Coming back to this RFE from 17 months ago which I would like to add to
> trunk. Without it one can hardly use TRACE for debugging multithreaded
> programs in a Rexx-like, i.e. easy manner.
> Currently having tried to incorporate the feedback about too many
> whitespaces between the new columns (Rexx interpreter instance number,
> Thread number, Activity number, reserved object pool).
> There was another idea about making this concurrency/multihreaded trace
> available without a need to define an environment variable
> RXTRACE_CONCURRENCY before starting a Rexx program. This post is about
> ideas of how to activate and deactivate concurrent tracing at runtime
> (either via the TRACE keyword instruction or the TRACE()-BIF) in a manner
> that is intuitive and easy to remember.
> One possibility would be to introduce new alphabetic options, this time
> with two letters by prepending the letter 'M' (for multithreaded as the
> letter c is already used for tracing commands and may therefore be
> irritating) to the existing alphabetic characters, hence defining the
> following semantics:
> *Trace*
> *Option, turn off MT*
> *Option, turn on MT*
> All
> A
> MA
> Command
> C
> MC
> Error
> E
> ME
> Failure
> F
> MF
> Intermediates
> I
> MI
> Labels
> L
> ML
> Normal
> N
> MN
> Off
> O
> -
> Results
> R
> MR
> This would have the benefit that anytime it becomes possible to turn on
> and to turn off multithreaded/concurrent tracing at runtime.
> What do you think?
> ---rony
> P.S.: The "fallback" would be to just add it as is, i.e. using the
> environment variable RXTRACE_CONCURRENCY, making the
> multithreaded/concurrent tracing a global option that needs to be set
> before running a Rexx program.
> On 05.09.2021 14:12, Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
> Almost a week ago Jean Louis Faucher registered feature request "794 
> Concurrency request", 
> cf.<> 
> <> together with a 
> patch that implements the
> feature request. So far there have been no comments, hence "requesting for 
> comments (RFC)" here as
> it may be the case that the RFE has been overlooked.
> ---
> IMHO this RFE is incredible helpful for debugging multi-threaded Rexx 
> programs and for understanding
> how ooRexx dispatches multithreaded code.
> The way Jean Louis devised the implementation has practically no impact on 
> the interpreter (unless
> one defines an environment variable "RXTRACE_CONCURRENCY=on" modelled after 
> the existing
> "RXTRACE=ON" environment variable in which case helpful information gets 
> generated for prefixing
> each trace output statement) makes it easy even for beginners (= students) to 
> get insight and
> understand how ooRexx executes multithreaded programs. Some problems rooted 
> in multithreaded Rexx
> code can be quickly located, understood and resolved with this feature.
> Having tested this concurrency trace feature with the most challenging JavaFX 
> ooRexx programs I have
> been really impressed with the results. Using the ooRexx program 
> "samples/tracer.rex" (included in
> the patch) to render the massive concurrency trace output of some JavaFX 
> ooRexx programs to csv and
> importing the concurrency trace into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel) makes it 
> possible to analyze such
> massive concurrency traces in every possible detail using the spreadsheet 
> features (e.g. filtering
> for a specific ooRexx interpreter instance or specific threads, pivots and 
> the like). Therefore I
> uploaded one such test to this RFE such that one can directly get at the 
> massive concurrency trace,
> the csv file created by "tracer.rex" from it and an Excel spreadsheet which 
> was used to import the
> generated csv file. (I wished this feature had been available when devising 
> some of the BSF4ooRexx
> JavaFX samples, which would have saved me literally weeks of debugging!)
> The patch implementing RFE 794 makes it really easy for ooRexx programmers to 
> understand and to
> debug multithreaded ooRexx programs, saving them a *lot* of time trying to 
> understand what happens,
> how concurrent statements get executed by the interpreter(s) and locating 
> coding errors!
> ---rony
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