Hi P.O.,

first of all thank you very much for all of your efforts in midst of your vacation far away from your IT infrastructure!


One problem is probably that we have not done another release since the last time where we had quite a few new scripts built to support the release process. One such little tool is in docs/trunk/tools and named "updateEntityValues.rex", the "readme.txt" in that directory gives brief infos on the different utilities and how to use them.

We probably should kick a new release (5.0.1?) to re-acquaint ourselves again and update the release documentation steps if necessary!


On 27.08.2023 13:38, oorexx wrote:
Dear all,

At the moment the building of the documentation is manually triggered, since Jenkins cannot find SVN on the build machine (it is there and works, unclear why Jenkins does not detect it). When making the latest documentation I noticed the following ooRexx build levels:

12722 for ooRexx itself(This is the current version)
12723 for ooRexx TestGroups

12728 for Rexxref.pdf
12715 for Winextensions.pdf
12643 for RexxExtensions.pdf

However, when I look at the built documentation I see this information:

ooRexx Documentation 5.1.0 Open Object Rexx Reference Edition 2023.01.01 (last revised on 20221024 with r12526)

ooRexx Documentation 5.1.0 Open Object Rexx Windows Extensions Reference Edition 2023.01.01 (last revised on 20220524 with r12416)

ooRexx Documentation 5.1.0 Open Object Rexx
Rexx Extensions Library Reference
Edition 2023.01.01 (last revised on 20220619 with r12444)

i.e. it seems the build revision is not reflected in the edition information? Is this as it should be or does something need to be changed?

If someone intends to work on the documentation please trigger manually a build of the documentation in Jenkins, or, if you do not now hoot, send me a mail and I will do it.

PS I am on leave and check my mail sparingly so there might be delays.

P.O. Jonsson

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