Greetings ooRexx'ers,

And this exchange below exemplifies what attracts me to the ooRexx language! I 
believe the way the ooRexx language was constructed from is core foundational 
level facilitates higher level logical
capabilities to be intuitively be available and possible. Bravo!

I am thankful,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

Rony G. Flatscher wrote:
On 24.03.2024 15:48, Rick McGuire wrote:
if .context~executable~isa(.Method) then say .context~executable~scope

Wow, thank you very much for this pointer!

(I was not aware of the Method class allowing for retrieving it, which is 
really great!)

Will add the information and links to the scope method to the new documentation 
in the next days (after waiting a bit for any feedback).


On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 10:32 AM Rony G. Flatscher <> 

    While working on the multithreaded related parts it has become clear that the term 
"scope" is very
    important, such that I linked the word "scope" to the respective section 
that describes it.

    Also, looking at questions and answers in the RexxLA mailing list related to 
multithreading "scope"
    turns out to not be well understood, if at all. With the interlinking and 
additional explanations
    this may have been improved a little bit.

    However, there is one omission IMHO for ooRexx. ooRexx being a dynamic 
language should allow for
    introspection/reflection (which it does in many different aspects) of the 
current scope, such that
    one can learn within a method to which scope it belongs to, got defined 
for. It would help the
    ooRexx programmer to experiment with and to determine the scope of a method 
at runtime.

    To the best of my knowledge it is not possible to get at the method's scope 
at runtime.

    Currently, within a method we can get at the object that invoked it (self) 
and its immediate
    superclass (super), but not at the scope (class object) that the method 
belongs to. As a method may
    be used in different scopes depending on the context, maybe RexxContext 
would be a class where a new
    method "scope" could be added to return the "scope": for routines it would 
return .nil, for methods
    the class object that defines the scope of the method, and .nil for 
floating methods. So the idea
    would be that ".context~scope" would return it.

    Would that be a sensible solution or are there better possibilities?

    Maybe adding an entry "SCOPE" to the TraceObject instance and supplying the 
value that gets used for
    the ">I>" trace line?

    What do you think?


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