Commit [r12849] implements the refactoring (changes got successfully tested using the ooRexx testing framework's TRACE related testgroups).


On 12.07.2024 11:55, Rick McGuire wrote:

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 5:52 AM Rony G. Flatscher <> 

    On 12.07.2024 01:16, Rick McGuire wrote:
    I still think the code refactoring I suggested is a good idea, which will 
make things a bit


    However, I just realized that the original problem could have been fixed by 
just adding

    enum TracePrefix;

    where the class definitions at the top of Activity.cpp are located.

    As the first error occurs with compiling the ArrayClass.cpp Activity.hpp 
also got that
    definition added and it makes it compile.

    However, later when RexxActivation.cpp gets compiled the following error 
gets raised:

        [ 17%] Building CXX object 
        error C2664: 'void Activity::traceOutput(RexxActivation *,RexxString
        *,TracePrefix,RexxObject *,RexxObject *)': cannot convert argument 3 
        'RexxActivation::TracePrefix' to 'TracePrefix'

Ah, that's because they are different types because of the RexxActivation 



    On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 12:29 PM Rony G. Flatscher 
<> wrote:

        On 11.07.2024 18:26, Rick McGuire wrote:

        On Thu, Jul 11, 2024 at 12:20 PM Rony G. Flatscher 
<> wrote:

            On 11.07.2024 17:52, Rick McGuire wrote:
            I'm going to answer this out of line because I want to answer the 
last question first.

            Thank you!

            The problem with the compile error results in how RexxActivation is 
defined in
            Activity.hpp. It's declaration is just "class RexxActivation", 
which tells the
            compiler that RexxActivation is a class...and nothing else. This 
            RexxActivation * to be used in prototypes since there is enough 
            available for that purpose. To get the full definition of 
RexxActivation, you would
            need to replace "class RexxActivation" with "#include 
            However, I suspect doing that will result in some circular 
dependencies between the
            two header files.


            Any you would probably need to define Activity as friend to the
            RexxActivation class to make that enum visible.

            Given the relationship between RexxActivation and Activity, and 
that both classes
            need the information, having the enum defined in RexxActivation 
feels like the
            wrong place to for that to be located. It feels like it should 
belong in Activity.
            However, those values are really only used for things created for 

            A better solution would be to refactor the code a bit. 
Activity::traceOutput() .
            The first two lines of TraceOutput deal with the creation of the 
TraceObject, which
            really should be something that the RexxActivation is responsible 
for. Move the
            stuff involved with that to RexxActivation and then only pass the 
            TraceObject to the traceOutput() method which is now just 
responsible for handling
            the output. Now there's no need for TracePrefix to be visible 
outside of

            There are the following places in Activity that cause the use of 
            directly and indirectly:


                wholenumber_t Activity::error()

                /** Force error termination on an activity, returning the 
resulting REXX error code.
                * @return The resulting Rexx error code. */


                wholenumber_t Activity::error(ActivationBase *activation, 
DirectoryClass *errorInfo)

                /** Force error termination on an activity, returning the 
resulting REXX error code.
                  * @param activation The activation raising the error.
                  * @param errorInfo  The directory containing the error 
condition information.
                  * @return The Rexx error code.  */


                wholenumber_t Activity::displayCondition(DirectoryClass 

                /** Display error information and traceback lines for a Syntax 
                  * @param errorInfo The condition object with the error 
                  * @return The major error code for the syntax error, if this 
is  indeed a syntax conditon. */


                void Activity::display(DirectoryClass *exobj) ...

                /** Display information from an exception object.  *@param 
exobj  The exception object.  */


                void Activity::displayDebug(DirectoryClass *exobj)

                /** Display information about an error in interactive debug. 
@param exobj  The exception  */+

        Only the last two of these are relevant, since the others just call 
those. If the
        creation of the trace object is a method of RexxActivation(), that 
method is just called
        to get the information needed by traceOutput().

        ah, ok, thank you!


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