[Apologies for cross-posting]

For the algorithmic differentiation: I have started an implementation 
(attached) of the jet machinery using a domain rather than the domain+package 
used in Smith et al.

This provides considerably faster differentiation than symbolic 
differentiation. For example:

g(x) == (1+x)^10000
eval(D(g(x),x), x=0.1) -- slow
g(jet(0.1)) -- fast!

I was not certain how to get x=jet(1.0) or eval(x^x, x=jet(2.0)) to work: any 

Sincerely, Mark,

On 02/19/2017 12:21 PM, Gabriel Dos Reis wrote:
It was available in a branch of OpenAxiom. Jacob wanted to rewrite for merging 
in the main trunk. He graduated and got a job, so did not get to rewrite it. I 
added the AST part of the work to the trunk, but the jet machinery remained in 
Jacob's branch.

Jacob: do you still have that?

-- Gaby

On Feb 19, 2017 3:15 AM, "Mark Clements" 
<mark.cleme...@ki.se<mailto:mark.cleme...@ki.se>> wrote:
Is the Axiom code for Smith's work on algorithmic differentiation


Sincerely, Mark Clements.

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)abbrev domain JET Jet
Jet(T: Ring): Public == Private where
  Public ==> CoercibleTo(OutputForm) with
    jet: (T, T) -> %
      ++ construct a jet value from a pair
    jet: (T) -> %
      ++ construct a jet value with delta=1
    Zero: () -> %
      ++ zero value
    One: () -> %
      ++ one value
    elt: (%, "value") -> T
      ++ retrieve the value field of a jet
    elt: (%, "delta") -> T
     ++ retrieve the delta field of a jet
    setelt: (%, "value", T) -> T
      ++ set the value field of a jet
    setelt: (%, "delta", T) -> T
      ++ set the delta field of a jet
    "+": (%, %) -> %
    "+": (T, %) -> %
    "+": (%, T) -> %
    "-": (%, %) -> %
    "-": (T, %) -> %
    "-": (%, T) -> %
    "*": (%, %) -> %
    "*": (T, %) -> %
    "*": (%, T) -> %
    "-": % -> %
    if T has OrderedRing then
      abs: % -> %
    if T has PartialOrder then
      "<": (%, %) -> Boolean
      ">": (%, %) -> Boolean
      "<=": (%, %) -> Boolean
      ">=": (%, %) -> Boolean
      "=": (%, %) -> Boolean
    if T has Field then
      "/": (%, %) -> %
      "/": (T, %) -> %
      "/": (%, T) -> %
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and T has Field then
      log: % -> %
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and T has Field and T has 
RadicalCategory then
      asin: % -> %
      acos: % -> %
      atan: % -> %
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then
      exp: % -> %
      "^": (%, %) -> %
      "^": (%, T) -> %
      "^": (T, %) -> %
      sin: % -> %
      cos: % -> %
      tan: % -> %
      sinh: % -> %
      cosh: % -> %
      tanh: % -> %
    if T has RadicalCategory and T has Field then
      sqrt: % -> %
  Private ==> add
    x, y : %
    z : T
    Rep := Record(val: T, der: T)
    jet(v,d) == [v, d]
    jet(v) == [v, 1$T]
    Zero() == jet(0$T, 0$T)
    One() == jet(1$T, 1$T)
    elt(jet: %, key: "value") == jet.val    
    elt(jet: %, key: "delta") == jet.der
    setelt(jet: %, key: "value", jetValue: T) == jet.val := jetValue
    setelt(jet: %, key: "delta", jetDelta: T) == jet.der := jetDelta
    coerce(x:%):OutputForm == 
      hconcat(('jet)::OutputForm, paren [ (x.val)::OutputForm, 
(x.der)::OutputForm ])
    x + y == jet(x.value + y.value, x.delta + y.delta)
    x + z == jet(x.value + z, x.delta)
    z + x == jet(z + x.value, x.delta)
    x - y == jet(x.value - y.value, x.delta - y.delta)
    x - z == jet(x.value - z, x.delta)
    z - x == jet(z - x.value, -x.delta)
    x * y == jet(x.value * y.value, x.delta*y.value + x.value*y.delta)
    x * z == jet(x.value * z, x.delta*z)
    z * x == jet(z * x.value, z*x.delta)
    -x == jet(-x.value, -x.delta)
    if T has OrderedRing then
      abs x == jet(abs(x.value), sign(x.value)*x.delta)
    if T has PartialOrder then
      x < y == x.value < y.value
      x > y == x.value > y.value
      x <= y == x.value <= y.value
      x >= y == x.value >= y.value
      x = y == x.value = y.value
    if T has Field then
      x / y == 
        r : T := x.value / y.value
        jet(r, (x.delta - r * y.delta) / y.value)
      x / z == 
        jet(x.value / z, x.delta / z)
      z / x == 
        jet(z / x.value, -z*x.delta / x.value / x.value)
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and T has Field then
      log x == jet(log(x.value), x.delta/x.value)
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory and T has Field and T has 
RadicalCategory then
      asin x == jet(asin(x.value), x.delta/sqrt(1-x.value*x.value))
      acos x == jet(acos(x.value), -x.delta/sqrt(1-x.value*x.value))
      atan x == jet(atan(x.value), x.delta/(1+x.value*x.value))
    if T has TranscendentalFunctionCategory then
      exp x == jet(exp(x.value), x.delta*exp(x.value))
      x ^ z == jet(x.value ^ z, x.delta*z*x.value^(z-1))
      x ^ y == jet(x.value ^ y.value, log(x.value)*x.value^y.value*y.delta + 
      z ^ x == jet(z ^ x.value, log(z)*z^x.value*x.delta)
      sin x == jet(sin(x.value), x.delta*cos(x.value))
      cos x == jet(cos(x.value), -x.delta*sin(x.value))
      tan x == jet(tan(x.value), x.delta*(1+tan(x.value)*tan(x.value)))
      sinh x == jet(sinh(x.value), x.delta*cosh(x.value))
      cosh x == jet(cosh(x.value), x.delta*sinh(x.value))
      tanh x == jet(tanh(x.value), x.delta*(1-tanh(x.value)*tanh(x.value)))
    if T has RadicalCategory and T has Field then
      sqrt x == jet(sqrt(x.value), x.delta/sqrt(x.value)/(1$T+1$T))

)if false
)cd /home/marcle/Home/axiom
)co Jet2.spad
JF ==> Jet Float

-- constructors
Zero()$Jet Float
One()$Jet Float

-- check some operators
g := operator 'g
h := operator 'h
Dgx(f) == (f,D(f(g(x)),x))
[Dgx(log), Dgx(exp), Dgx(-), Dgx(h), Dgx(sin), Dgx(cos), Dgx(tan), Dgx(asin), 
Dgx(acos), Dgx(atan), Dgx(sinh), Dgx(cosh), Dgx(tanh), Dgx(sqrt)]
Dgx2(f) == (f,D(f(g(x),h(x)),x))
[f::(Float->Float) for f in [+,-,*,/,^]]

-- testing
testDeriv(f,value) == eval(D(f(),X),x=value) - f(jet(value)).delta
testDeriv(x +-> exp(exp(x)),2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> x^(2*x),2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> exp(x)/sqrt(x),2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> exp(x)*sqrt(x),2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> x*x,2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> x+x,2.0)
testDeriv(x +-> 10*x,2.0)

jet(1,2) <= jet(1,3)

g(x) == (1+x)^10000
eval(D(g(x),x), x=0.1) -- slow symbolic differentiation
g(jet(0.1)) -- fast algorithmic differentiation!

g(x) == x^exp(x)^exp(x)

fx(x, n) ==
  if n=0 then return 0 
    a := 0
    b := x
    (a,b) := (0, x)
    for k in 1..(n-1) repeat
      h := b
      b := log(a+b)
      a := h
fx(jet(2.0,1.0), 7)
eval(D(fx(x,7),x), x=2.0)

-- partial likelihood
-- Assume distinct ordered times
event := [true,false,false,true,true,false]
times := [i for i in 1..#event]
x := [1,0,1,1,0,1]
eta := [beta*xi for xi in x]
index := [i for i in 1..#event for e in event | e]
L := reduce(*,[exp(eta(i))/reduce(+,[exp(eta(j)) for j in i..#event]) for i in 
l := reduce(+,[eta(i) - log(reduce(+,[exp(eta(j)) for j in i..#event])) for i 
in index])
-- eval(l,beta=jet(1.0)) -- fails. How do I get beta=jet(1.0) to work?

-- time-varying effect
f(beta,gamma) == reduce(+,[x.i*beta+x.i*times.i*gamma - 
log(reduce(+,[exp(x.j*beta+x.j*times.j*gamma) for j in i..#event])) for i in 

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