A reminder that the development team is having an IRC meeting today on
the #evergreen channel on the Freenode network. Everyone with an
interest in what the Evergreen development team is doing is invited to

The agenda-in-the-works is at
http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:meetings:2011-03-01 ; 
for maximum efficiency, it is recommended to read through the agenda in
advance of the meeting and post suggestions or responses in advance.

Items on the agenda for today so far include:

  * OpenSRF 2.0.0
  * PostgreSQL 9.0 support in Evergreen 2.0?
  * Patch review queue
  * Google Summer of Code application

If you're interested in contributing to Evergreen, but development isn't
your thing, keep your eye on http://evergreen-ils.org/calendar for other
meetings that may be of interest to you and also check out the
"Contribute" link on the header of the http://evergreen-ils.org home
page for other ways to help the project!

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