Never that stupid question.

I thought osrf-websocket-translator was a http to websocket translator.

Turns out it is the websockets implementation of OpenSRF.

On 09/21/2016 11:19 AM, Jason Stephenson wrote:
> On 09/21/2016 10:44 AM, Bill Erickson wrote:
>> /osrf-websocket-translator (from newer versions of EG/OpenSRF) provides
>> a standard OpenSRF API, streaming responses, etc.  It's new enough,
>> though, that it's not universally deployed.
> Bill,
> Is there any documentation on using /osrf-websocket-translator? That
> might be helpful for Ken and the Android client.
> I, too, would like to experiment with it, if time permits. I did manage
> to get requests through /osrf-http-translator using the Java URL and
> URLConnection classes outside of the OSRF/Evergreen Java classes.
> Thanks,
> Jason
>> WebSockets install docs:
>> Hope this helps,

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