Hi all,

I've had a long-standing item on my to-do list to document the process of being the DIG Release Coordinator, mainly so that I can pass the role on to somebody else, but also so that the process is transparent to the rest of the community and provides opportunity for feedback. It's also helpful for times when the RM's take the responsibility for creating release notes when the DIG Release Coordinator is unavailable.

I finally started documenting the process this week, and I started a bit backwards by documenting how we determine whom to acknowledge in the release notes. I rarely get questions about the release notes themselves, but I have fielded several questions about who is being acknowledged in release notes.

The idea is to thank everyone who has played a part in the release, no matter how small that part may seem to the contributor, and to also highlight the rich and diverse community that makes an Evergreen release happen. I try to err on the side of inclusion in the acknowledgements if there is a question because it's important we give credit to everyone behind the release process.

Acknowledgements were added to the release notes back in the 2.6 release with a contribution from Galen. I can't say how he identified contributors for that release, but I can say that in my early acknowledgements, I added the names of any author for a documentation or code commit that was in a particular release branch, whether it was a bug fix or new feature. It was fairly straightforward.

Since that time, we've added people who should be acknowledged, the most recent addition for the 2.11 release being people who contribute to translations. The method for identifying translators for a specific release is imperfect, but it's important that we do our best to acknowledge these folks since they do so much to help promote the international use of Evergreen.

The addition of point release notes back in the 2.8 release changed the way I identified contributors for a specific release. In the beginning, I wasn't planning to add acknowledgements for bug fixes to the point release notes because I knew those contributions would be acknowledged at the point of the major release. However, in the release notes that are linked on the main Downloads page, which, FWIW, look a lot different than the notes in the official documentation, it was confusing. The acknowledgements appeared to refer to all of the new features and bug fixes on that page, including the ones that were part of point release notes. However, the names were only for people who contributed to the major release. There was a disconnect.

As a result, my current practice is to acknowledge all bug fix contributions and backported documentation patches in the point release notes, not in the notes for a major, feature release. The major release acknowledgements focus on the contributors for the new features only.

I've documented the current practice for acknowledgements at https://wiki.evergreen-ils.org/doku.php?id=evergreen-docs:release_notes_process. I'm sharing this with all of you because I would like feedback from developers and DIG contributors on the following questions:

- Does the process for identifying who should be acknowledged for code and doc contributions in major release vs. point releases seem reasonable to people? - Is there anyone contributing to releases that we're missing in our acknowledgements?
- Are there any other changes you think should be made?

If we decide to change these guidelines, I'm happy to make the necessary changes to the 2.11 notes.

Thanks in advance for your feedback!


Kathy Lussier
Project Coordinator
Massachusetts Library Network Cooperative
(508) 343-0128
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kmlussier

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