Stripping just white space makes sense to me.

Benjamin Kalish
Forbes Library / 413-587-1012 /

Currently reading: *Shelter* by Jung Yun
Just Finished: *Contact* by Carl Sagan

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On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 8:56 AM, Josh Stompro <>

> Hello,  I was just asked why staff couldn’t find a patron record by name
> using the XUL staff client patron search.  Jason E. helped me find the
> culprit.  The XUL patron search strips leading and trailing whitespace and
> numbers from first given name, second given name and last name before
> sending in the search.
> We allow business/institution accounts and the business in question starts
> with a number “123 Insurance Inc.”  We normally set both the first and last
> name to the full business name in these cases.
> Before the following change in May 2009 the form was set to strip out non
> word characters, so characters, numbers and underscores were allowed.  The
> change was made because Unicode characters are matched as non word
> characters with the \W class.  So it wasn’t possible to search for names
> starting in Unicode characters.  But with the change numbers were no longer
> allowed.  Punctuation characters were also stripped out before the change,
> but not after.
> [evergreen|dbs] Use Unicode-friendly regular expressions for registering
> and retrieving patrons by name –
> I’m wondering if anyone would support changing this to just stripping out
> leading/trailing whitespace, taking out the \d so numbers are allowed again.
> Thanks
> Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN
> Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139 <(218)%20233-3757>
> LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110 <(218)%20790-2110>

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