Graham, et al.

Just a followup: I kind of assumed that everyone knew where the upgrade
instructions are. If not, the instructions for 2.12 are here:

You can also find the latest instructions for upgrade in the
docs/installation directory of an extracted tarball or git checkout.
It's formatted in asciidoc, so you can make it more readable by running
asciidoc on it and outputting HTML, a PDF, DocBook, or other formats.

There are no upgrade instructions to 3.0, yet, because it has not been
released. There are steps you can do if you want to test the master
branch. If you plan to go that route, then I recommend sticking with the
master branch and not trying to switch to releases later.

Upgrading OpenSRF is very easy. You just install the new version. It
should overwrite the old one if you use the same options.


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