General questions for the hive mind on the new print templates:

I'm testing print templates on 2.12 and running into some problems, but I
haven't submitted any bug reports yet because I'm not sure which issues are
bugs, which are wish lists, and which are related to lack-of-comprehension.

1. I don't see an option for resetting local customizations back to default
like we have in the old client. Is there a method I am overlooking for
doing that?

2. There appear to be discrepancies between the elements that are available
in the previews and the elements that are available in the actual
printouts. For example, in the Bills, Current template I can use
{{xact.title}} and {{xact.copy_barcode}} in the preview and they display
perfectly, but in the actual receipt printouts they are blank.  If I just
put {{xact}} inside the loop the template to get a list of elements and
their values, the list of elements that appears in the preview is very
different from the list of elements that appears in the printout.

3. How can I actually get complete lists of all of the elements that are
actually available for each template?

4. There are some pieces of information I can currently get in the old
client that do not appear to be available in webby - the most important for
PINES being the courier code in the transit slips.  (In the old client
there is a %courier_code% macro.)

Any guidance is much appreciated.

Terran McCanna
PINES Program Manager
Georgia Public Library Service
1800 Century Place, Suite 150
Atlanta, GA 30345

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