I have more information.  When I try the back end call used by Syrup to
fetch copy counts with a record from the course that blows up, I get the

srfsh# request open-ils.storage
[4211388, 160, 0]

Received Exception:
Name: osrfMethodException
Status:  *** Call to
failed for session [1539000573.516499.153900057325003], thread trace [1]:
DBD::Pg::st execute failed: ERROR:  invalid input syntax for integer:
LINE 16:           WHERE cn.record = 'ARRAY(0xebc67e0)'
                                     ^ [for Statement "
        SELECT  cp.circ_lib,
                CASE WHEN cnp.id > -1 THEN cnp.label ELSE '' END,
                CASE WHEN cns.id > -1 THEN cns.label ELSE '' END,
                oils_i18n_xlate('asset.copy_location', 'acpl', 'name',
'id', cl.id::TEXT, ?),
          FROM  asset.copy cp,
            asset.call_number cn,
            asset.call_number_suffix cns,
            asset.call_number_prefix cnp,
            asset.copy_location cl,
            config.copy_status cs,
            actor.org_unit_descendants(?,?) d
          WHERE cn.record = ?
            AND cnp.id = cn.prefix
            AND cns.id = cn.suffix
            AND cp.call_number = cn.id
            AND cp.location = cl.id
            AND cp.circ_lib = d.id
            AND cp.status = cs.id
            AND cl.opac_visible IS TRUE
            AND cp.opac_visible IS TRUE
            AND cp.deleted IS FALSE
            AND cl.deleted IS FALSE
            AND cs.opac_visible IS TRUE
          GROUP BY 1,2,3,4,5,6;
" with ParamValues: 1='en-US', 2='1', 3='0', 4='ARRAY(0xebc67e0)'] at
/usr/share/perl5/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 52.

Status: 500
Request Completed Successfully
Request Time in seconds: 0.215329

So, a database error is definitely not JSON.

Looks like this one could be headed for Launchpad.

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