Blake, I found that duplicate records in the title bucket will break the 
carousel with my changes.  I think that may be because must not return duplicates.  
Or maybe it is because I create a hash based off the bibid to store the 
ordering?  That isn't a deal breaker for us, since I didn't intend to have 
duplicates in the lists, they were just there by mistake.  But it probably 
shouldn't break because of that.  So I'll look into that.

I also was happy to find that there are options to allow wrapping of the 
carousel, so once you get to the end it starts again at the beginning, along 
with autoscrolling to new items get shown ever x seconds.

Adding the following to the .jcarousel config enables those
wrap: 'both',
auto: 9,

The next step to make it load even faster would be to cache the results somehow.  For our new 
arrival list, it takes our system 3219ms to generate that for 200 titles.

Josh Stompro - LARL IT Director

From: Open-ils-dev <> On Behalf 
Of Josh Stompro
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:50 PM
To: Evergreen Development Discussion List 
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Mobius Carousel - reducing number of requests?

Blake, I sent you a pull request with the changes.

I did get the ordering to work, but I'm not sure I did it in the most efficient 

From: Open-ils-dev 
 On Behalf Of Blake Henderson
Sent: Saturday, October 13, 2018 4:11 PM
Subject: Re: [OPEN-ILS-DEV] Mobius Carousel - reducing number of requests?


Great detective work! The culprit is likely the bbag.js code as you have 
mentioned. It sounds like you have made a major improvement. Really, the whole 
thing needs to be moved into action_trigger and library settings and eventually 
baked into Evergreen. Share your improvements as you make them! I could imagine 
a path forward coding a custom JS carousel (instead of using jcarousel) using 
some of the great Angular things. Coupled with a server side component in the 
form of an additional gateway-v1 listener to provide the JSON data as needed. 
Right now, the bbag.js code downloads the entire bookbag and injects the ID's 
into a hidden DOM element. Perhaps it's time to open that can of worms again? 
Is there a LP bug for this?


Conducting Magic


On 10/13/2018 10:05 AM, Josh Stompro wrote:
Hello, I'm moving this over to the dev list.

Using the batch method to flesh the titles from the bookbags does seem to offer 
significant performance improvements for us. (Sending all bib id's in one array 

Measured in chrome 69.0.3497.100
Before: (hot cache) 19 second page load, 480 requests, 757kb transferred.

After: (hot cache) 6 second page load, 76 requests, 434kb transferred.

Difference: 68% reduction in page load time, 84% reduction in requests, 42% 
reduction in transfer amount.

I haven't dealt with getting the correct order yet, returns results in bibid order.


From: Open-ils-general 
 On Behalf Of Josh Stompro
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2018 2:31 PM
To: Evergreen Discussion Group 
Subject: [OPEN-ILS-GENERAL] Mobius Carousel - reducing number of requests?

Hello, We have been using the carousel from Mobius for a while now.  And I just 
noticed how resource intensive it seems to be.

Here are the slides from the presentation that Bake created about it.
And the code

We have ~ 30 catalog machines that are set to reset every 5 minutes of idle 
time (since people don't always log themselves out.)  When I watch our catalog 
page load which currently has 3 sliders, I see 483 requests made from the 
browser.  ~450 of those requests are from the carousel, since it request each 
book bag, and then request info for each bookbag item.  And then request images 
for the visible items.  So our 30 catalog machines generate  162000 requests an 

I'm wondering if anyone has tried pre-generating the bookbag json data on a 
schedule so the web page can do just one request for the titles?  It also seems 
like the only info that is used is the title, while 1-2kb of data gets returned 
about each item.  So a lot of unused data gets moved around.  The script that 
generates the static data file could do things like randomize the order of the 
items, so a static bookbag list would show different titles whenever it is 

It looks like can accept an 
array of ID's, so that seems like it would reduce the number of requests, so 
that may be another way to reduce the number of requests.


Lake Agassiz Regional Library - Moorhead MN
Josh Stompro     | Office 218.233.3757 EXT-139
LARL IT Director | Cell 218.790.2110

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