i checked my repository and it seems i  have the libyaz2 package and
libyaz2-dev package as well as the yaz package  from one of    the  ubuntu
repositories in my list.should i go with these  packages  and remove the
line that  install the yaz in the makefile which installs the prerequisites?
are the files cpan_marc  modules which are installed after the yaz dependant
on the yaz modules  or i can run them independently if  i so choose
should i go with these packages or

On Sun, Oct 11, 2009 at 1:05 PM, Nuku Ameyibor <nayi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> i have been following hte steps needed to install evergreen on
> ubuntu hardy throught the walkthroug at the site.been very succesfull so far
> i however ran into a little hitch which i wish i coud clarification on
> i was running this command
> make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install <distribution>
> which i suppsoe is for the installation of the prerequisites files needed
> by evergreen.
> i howver got an error  when it dowload the yaz and was installing it
> i think the package wasnt  downloaded well .dont know what happend during
> the download anyways
> i  got an error saying
> gz;ip:stdin: uexpected end of fle
> tar:unexpected end of archive
> tar:unexpected end of archive
> tar:error is not recoverable:exiting now
> [make] *** [install_yaz error] 2
> and then the installation stoped.
> first  question is that are there any other packages to be installed after
> that  or is  that the last package to be installed
> 2.is  there any way i can manually install  pass through this stage.
> i downloaded the  same package from http://ftp.indexdata.dk/ and i was
> able to get the same version which the installer was asking for
> my question is is there any special configuration commands that i  hav  to
> specify and if so what are they.
> this is of course dependant on whether i can manually install this package
> at all
> .would be very happy if i could get some help and continue the
> installation. and finish it up.:))
> cheers!!

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