Hi Joel,

What network ports are used by Evergreen? (So I know which ports to unblock.)
If you just want users to access the OPAC, I believe 80 (HTTP) and 443 (SSL) 
will do.

If you want to access the Evergreen database using a postgresql database admin 
program on your Windows machine, you'll need to open 5432. Also note that you 
many need to edit pg_hba.conf  located in your Postgresql configuration 
directory. This controls access to posgresql for users and locations. You 
should do some research on that file to find the right balance of access and 
security when editing this file.

To access my Linux server I installed Cygwin with the SSH client application. 
For this app you can start here: http://www.cygwin.com/. There are also some 
other applications for SSH access and you will need to install the SSH server 
on your linux machine if it is not already installed. I am using a regular 
linux server so I am not sure if there are better ways to access a VirtualBox 
image. Once you connect to your server via ssh, you can also access the 
database data and run SQL queries using psql. For more information on that, 
see: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/app-psql.html

Hopefully this helps.


Robert Soulliere
Systems Librarian
Tel: 905-575-1212 X3936

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