I need a report that will tell me how many items we own for each Dewey block. 
Ideally, I'd like it by 10s, but I will be happy with 100s.

However, I cannot figure out how to do this. We are running

I've been asked if I can do this by tomorrow. Hmmm.

TIA for any assistance,

Catherine Buck Morgan
Director, Division of Innovation & Technology
South Carolina State Library
POB 11469, 1500 Senate Street, Columbia, SC 29211
Phone: 803.734.8651 | Cell: 803.239.8363 | Fax: 803.734.4757
Catalog: sclends.lib.sc.us<http://sclends.lib.sc.us/>

The South Carolina State Library is a national model for innovation, 
collaboration, leadership and effectiveness.  It is the keystone in South 
Carolina's intellectual landscape.

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