On 14 April 2010 11:45, Andrew Tillman <till...@leecountylibrary.org> wrote:
> Georgia PINES currently uses version 1.4.07. Will that version of the staff
> client run on a mobile scanner that uses Windows CE 5.0 without
> modification?

No idea, although my suspicion is "unlikely".

> We are looking at trying to acquire a Wasp WDT3250 for helping with
> inventory. Or should we investigate something else?

How about a $250 netbook that runs Windows XP (which will run the client) + a $100 barcode scanner?

I'm not sure how you're planning to do this inventory, but that's the
direction I would lean. Even if you threw the staff client out and
just had the barcode scanner enter barcodes into a text file that you
could later load into the Evergreen database.

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