I've begun attempting to use the VirtualBox images posted on the Evergreen 
Downloads page <http://www.open-ils.org/downloads.php>. If I remember correctly 
(it's been a few weeks), the image "Evergreen, Debian 5.0 (Lenny)" had 
some issues starting up (disk read error messages?--text scrolled for a while 
before finally getting to a prompt; I believe that was after choosing the 
single-user option, after the multiple-user option stopped after a brief period 
of time). I had better luck with an earlier-downloaded 1.4-era version. I was 
able to get logged-in and to the desktop, but the lack of icons and my almost 
complete unfamiliarity with Linux stumped me for a few months. A few weeks ago, 
I finally worked my way to being able to get the networking working (it was 
able to see the Internet and I was able to get my Windows Vista host (2008 
laptop, Core2Duo, 2 GB; graphics a little slow at first, but overall not 
terrible) to connect to the Evergreen server (via the OPAC/Web browser). I then 
began attempting to upgrade to 1.6, which I figure I'll get back to finishing 
the attempt at some point in the future (I believe the Linux OS wanted to 
restart unexpectedly on me while I was doing something, and I didn't have time 
at the time to go back through the steps to complete the process of upgrading). 
Once I return to working on getting it upgraded and working, I'm also hoping to 
install something that allows me to see the directories as icons, to reduce the 
need to use the terminal.

Thank you for your time,

Bryan Baldus
Quality Books Inc.
The Best of America's Independent Presses

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