In a message dated 4/15/2010 5:08:36 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

- Long  numeric barcodes are currently displayed in scientific notation
which needs  to be fixed.

***My experience is that this is an Excel problem rather than  Evergreen.  
The barcodes look fine in OpenOffice Calc.  (Open source  is not just for 
ILS software!)
Something I would like to see is being able to modify (sort, edit, total,  
label, etc.) the report output without doing a "save as" first.  When we  
first went online the reports opened in editable form.  Now they open  "read 
only."  (Not sure if this is set at the consortium level or hardwired  into 
the server version.)

Marsha  Lynn
Odon Winkelpleck Public  Library

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