Hello Everyone - Believe it or not it is time to think about site selection
for the 2012 conference!!

I have volunteered to co-Chair the 2012 site selection committee.  Ben Hyman
(BC Sitka) has offered to co-Chair the committee with me.  We both come with
experience from the last round and enthusiasm to get the ball rolling for

I include here a link to the process document that the last committee worked
out.  It should give you an idea of the task ahead.  In a nutshell, the
committee will put out a call for proposals and then do some evaluation
based on requirements, desirable qualities and hosting repsonsibilites
listed in the process document.

Feel free to respond to this note with questions that you think might help
anyone interested in volunteering for this committee, otherwise email me and
Ben offlist, just don't want to clutter up the mailing list too much.
Cynthia Williamson: <crwbookg...@gmailcom>
Ben Hyman:  <ben.hy...@gov.bc.ca>

I will keep everyone up to date as the process goes along.  We're still
working out timelines, so I'm not sure exactly how long things will take but
I'm hoping to get this done fairly quickly.  Hint, hint, those of you
thinking about making a bid - start your engines!!

We're hoping to have 6 or 8 folks at most on the committee, we'd like some
representation across the EG community, otherwise we'll take things on
first come first served basis, please volunteer by Friday, May 14th at
midnight if you're interested in helping out.

Cheers, Cynthia
Cynthia Williamson
Mohawk College
Hamilton, ON

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