Evergreen Communications Committee Update - 10/19/10

The Evergreen Communications Committee (EG CC) was formed at last year's
Evergreen Conference.  It arose out of the Governance Committee.  The EG CC
was charged with two major responsibilities –

   - to help organize the information available on the Evergreen-ILS site
   and elsewhere
   - to provide guidance to people with items to contribute back to the
   community about where and how to locate those resources.

 This email is being sent to let you know our thoughts and to solicit
community feedback.

At this point, we have decided that the best approach to our goal is to
tackle our assignment on two fronts:

   1. The EG Communication Committee will focus on immediate needs without
   making dramatic changes to the current website (more on this below)
   2. The EG CC will establish a working group (EG Website Interest Group
   aka WIG) who will lead the process of developing an Evergreen
   for the community. We believe the Evergreen-ILS site (as the locus of all
   things essential to the Evergreen Project and Evergreen Community) would
   benefit from a thoughtful, process-driven web development project.  EG-WIG
   will focus on leading this effort.  A plan for how we envision this process
   will be forthcoming.

About the immediate needs we hope the EG-CC will address:

We know there are immediate changes that could be made to alleviate certain
stress points with the current site.

For instance –

   - Where do interest groups or committees keep their minutes and how
   should they communicate?
   - How can we make info about Evergreen easier to contribute to?
   - How can we ensure everyone can easily find what they need?

The EG-CC will focus on addressing some of these issues.  We will solicit
help from the greater Evergreen community in our ongoing efforts.

We anticipate developing some draft guidelines for where and when to post
info about EG project or committee work.  We plan to suggest tweaks to the
menu system that will make some things easier to find.  We plan to establish
some standard locations for things and possibly add some new features using
existing tools (e.g. blog and wiki software).  And we may revisit the idea
of using Drupal for some things (an idea raised some time ago by DIG

So, any feedback you have to this general idea...feel free to comment on the
this list (open-ils-general) so we can have an open discussion.  We'll be
putting out some more concrete ideas shortly (both from the EG-CC and WIG)
and your feedback will again be solicited.

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